- coingecko_api: CoinGecko API at roughly 5min intervals.
- redstone_offchain_oracle: Redstone Pull Model oracle prices as reported by Redstone.
- redstone_balancer_usdc/usdt: Prices from Balancer pools as reported by Redstone.
- redstone_coingecko: GHO price from Coingecko as reported by Redstone.
- chainlink_subgraph: On-chain GHO price from the Chainlink subgraph (price change events shown).
- curve_GHOUSDE: EMA price from the Curve GHOUSDE pool called using price_oracle(0) on the pool contract.
- curve_fxUSDGHO: EMA price from the Curve fxUSDGHO pool called using price_oracle(0) on the pool contract.
- curve_GHOcrvUSD: EMA price from the Curve GHOcrvUSD pool called using price_oracle(0) on the pool contract.
- uniswapv3_GHO-USDC 500: 5 minute TWAP price from the Uniswap V3 GHO-USDC 500 pool.
- uniswapv3_GHO-USDT 500: 5 minute TWAP price from the Uniswap V3 GHO-USDT 500 pool.
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